Tyson Frigo at Nawi workshop with Uncle John Kelly

First Nations

Explore the museum's keeping place of conversations with community relating to past exhibitions, research and public programs related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island cultures.

The Australian National Maritime Museum acknowledges many contributions by Individuals, communities, artists and staff and is a reservoir of knowledges relating to the museum's custodianship and ongoing responsibilities to freshwater and saltwater.

Featured object – Eel Trap

A traditional Aboriginal woven eel trap made in Berri, South Australia by Ngarrindjeri artist Yvonne Koolmatrie. Made from a bundle of coiled sedge reed stems with a simple loop stitch.

A photograph looking into the open mouth of a traditional eel trap made of river reeds

Search our First Nations objects collection

Au Karem Ira Lamar Lu – Ghost Nets of the Ocean

Au Karem Ira Lamar Lu - Ghost Nets of the Ocean exhibition is the largest collection of ghost net art in the Southern Hemisphere. They carry a message from the Torres Strait for the world to heed: the oceans are connected to everyone. Humans everywhere are affecting the world's oceans.

From our education team

School programs and online resources perfect for school students learning about First Nations

1606 - Contact at Cape Keerweer

This education resource introduces students to the Duyfken, which was the first European vessel to meet the First Nations people of Australia on Wik country on the Cape York Peninsula in 1606.

Illustration showing silhouettes of people siting around a campfire with a sunset in the background
Illustration of the Duyfken watched by Wik people

A few frequently asked questions

First Nations Curatorial Team

Advisory Commitee